Delight your guests with a wide range of non-alcoholic drinks. Rely on well-known, emotional brands, top quality and stylish appearance. Thanks to the wide variety of containers, our drinks fit harmoniously into your gastronomic concept.
„As a long-standing partner of the beverage wholesaler
and the gastronomy industry with decades of experience
in premix and postmix dispensing technology,
we understand concerns and demands of restaurateurs."
Rolf Hübner, Managing Director Sales

For Every Gatronome
The Right Container
Upscale cuisine, system gastronomy or take home - not all gastronomy is the same. We know the special needs of the various catering concepts and offer the right product and container for every requirement - from exclusive bottled products to containers.
Original RHODIUS Gourmet - the clear and stylish bottle design ensures an elegant appearance. afri cola in the unique, waisted glass bottle - perhaps the most beautiful bottle in the world.

Original RHODIUS Gourmet Classic,
Medium, Naturelle und Apfelschorle

Original RHODIUS Gourmet
Classic, Medium und Naturelle

afri cola, afri cola ohne zucker,
afri cola 25, Bluna Orange,
Bluna Zitrone, Bluna Mix Cola-Orange

afri cola, afri cola ohne zucker,
Bluna Orange, Bluna Zitrone,
Bluna Mix Cola-Orange,
RHODIUS Classic, RHODIUS Naturelle,
RHODIUS Apfelschorle

afri cola, afri cola ohne zucker,
Bluna Orange, Bluna Zitrone,
Bluna Mix Cola-Orange
RHODIUS Classic, RHODIUS Medium,
RHODIUS Naturelle, RHODIUS Apfelschorle,
RHODIUS Sport Grapefruit

afri cola, afri cola ohne zucker,
Bluna Orange, Bluna Zitrone,
Bluna Mix Cola-Orange
RHODIUS Classic, RHODIUS Medium,
RHODIUS Naturelle, RHODIUS Apfelschorle,
Provide your guests with cooled drinks at any time, even in large quantities at peak times.
You also benefit from easy and convenient handling with low storage space requirements.

afri cola, afri cola ohne zucker,
Bluna Orange, Bluna Zitrone,
RHODIUS Mineralwasser,
RHODIUS Apfelschorle

afri cola, afri cola ohne zucker,
Bluna Orange, Bluna Zitrone,
RHODIUS Apfelschorle

We support our gastronomy partners with stylish service aids, such as the exclusive Original RHODIUS Gourmet Glasses in a noble and timeless design.

We create ideal conditions for our catering partner with high-quality refrigeration and dispensing technology from leading manufacturers.

JUTTA Hübner
Tel: (02636) 920 250
Email: j.huebner@rhodius.de
You have any questions
around the gatronomy?
I am here for you!